After my demonstration, the students are eager to give it a try. I could separate them into groups and have them all go for it, but due to the limited number of instruments in my classroom, I prefer to take a different path. I choose a small group of students (3 or so) to go to a corner of the room to then create their own work of instrument art while the rest of the class is playing a singing game or something. I like to set a range of how many instruments they may use for their artwork (between 5 and 12) and let my iPhone random number generator make the decision for each group. The group work aspect encourages cooperation skills and setting a limit encourages problem solving skills. Questions students inevitably face along the way are: what will we make? Which instruments will we use? Who decides? When the artists are finished creating, we sing the song above and have a gallery walk for all students to see what was created. Here are some examples of my students' work:
Ribbon and Bow: triangles and wooden mallets
jingle bells, triangle,
drum, tick tock block
Bicycle: drums, wood blocks, jingle bells, triangle
Playing the Drum:
drums, triangle, wood blocks, sand blocks, tick tock block, castanet
P.S. Don't forget to visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store for more ideas!